Users management
this window concentrates user accounts management
Available users - list of users
New - opens dialog for a new user creation
Delete - selected user is deleted
Change password - opens dialog for change of password of a selected user
Rename - opens dialog for renaming of a selected user
Clone - opens dialog for creation of a clone of selected user. It is identical to the dialog for entering new user with a difference that name of the user being clonned is prefilled with a suffix "_clone".
Disable login - login to the FTP server is forbidden to the selected user.
Add home directory to ACL list for new user - When creating new user, a record in the access rights table is created for his home directory with default safe settings (no write nor delete is allowed).
Home directory
Change - opens a dialog to change user's home directory
Update ACL entry for home directory while changing home directory -
When changing user's home directory, old directory's record is deleted from the access rights table and a new record with the same rights is assigned to the new directory.
Further settings for selected user
Permissions - opens table of access rights
Quota - opens dialog of data quotes
IP access - Opens dialog for allowing or forbidding of login of user from defined IP addresses. Control is analogical to the dialog for IP address access restriction.
U/D ratios - opens dialog for changing upload / download data ratio
User details - opens dialog for detailed settings of the user.